Being SMART our focus on quality, sustainability, safety and the environment is just good business

Commitment To The Environment
We are committed to employing the greenest mining technologies and techniques while minimizing our impact on the earth, water table, wildlife and the atmosphere.
Smart Sand Inc. is a member of the following environmentally sustainable organizations:

Smart Processes, Smart Partners
Smart Sand is constantly striving to Maintain an environmentally-friendly work place. We consistently go the extra mile to reduce our impact on the land, air, water, atmosphere, and our local neighbors. Our efforts include employing water trucks to minimize the potential for airborne particulates to using white noise generators instead of back up beepers to reduce noise pollution. Smart Sand works to ensure it meets and exceeds the highest safety and environmental standards.
Smart Sand works closely with or is a member of the following industry and environmental organizations.
CLICK ON EACH LOGO for more information about each organization.